Free Registration & Free First Class
Ends August 19, 2023. Space is limited. Sign up today! Restrictions apply. Contact front office for details.
Inquire using the form below. Or call us at 626.282.7625 today to secure your spot and get the deal.
Music classes can help anyone grow in many areas in life.
Gain ConfidenceMusic lessons provide students opportunities to perform in front of others helping students grow in their confidence.
Spatial-Temporal ReasoningThe Mozart effect has been published by the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine that music can help improve spatial-temporal reasoning skills.
Trains DisciplineMusic requires discipline, and students grow to understand and appreciate work ethics and discipline in learning.
These are some of our student's performance videos. Click here to watch all our videos.
Ends August 19, 2023. Space is limited. Sign up today! Restrictions apply. Contact front office for details.
Inquire using the form below. Or call us at 626.282.7625 today to secure your spot and get the deal.