By Alexia Reiman
How to Stay Healthy and Energized for Dance Classes!
In the same way you take care of your guitar if you are taking guitar lessons, it’s important to make sure you take care of your body if you are taking dance lessons. No matter what style of dance you decide to explore, it will require mental focus and physical energy. Here are some pointers to keep in mind when on your way to take class:
*Full meals make for happy dancers!
You will want to make sure you eat a full meal well before you are going to class. Eating right before class can result in an unwanted stomach ache, and not eating enough before class can leave you feeling dizzy and lazy during class. Whether it’s breakfast before Saturday morning hip hop or dinner between school and an evening of ballet, be sure to make eating a priority! If for some reason you are rushing, make sure to at least bring some healthy snacks with you such as fresh fruit, nuts, yogurt or a granola bar. And don’t forget about drinking plenty of water before and after class!
*Get some Zzzz’s…
The last thing you want is for your dance teacher to catch you sitting on the floor zoning out during class! Our ability to remember choreography suffers when we did not get a good night’s sleep, as well as our likelihood to pay attention to details in class. Set up your bedtime routine so that you can consistently get enough sleep, preferably at least 7 hours, and your body and mind will thank you (as well as your dance teacher.)
*Dress the part
Since our body is our instrument, it is important to treat it as our way to express ourselves as artists. Make it a point to know what attire is appropriate for the style of dance you are taking, and then put your own twist on it. Something as simple as a new sleek hairstyle for jazz or a special pair of sneakers for break dance can put you in the mood to show off your skills. Owning your style will make you feel more excited to go to class and express your personality. Enjoy being you!